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Pgadmin Import Csv To New Table

Importing Data into PostgreSQL from a CSV File


PostgreSQL is a powerful, open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that is widely used for data storage and management. Importing data into PostgreSQL can be done in a variety of ways, one of which is importing data from a CSV file.

Creating a Table

Before importing data from a CSV file, it is necessary to create a table in your database to store the data. The table should have columns that correspond to the data fields in the CSV file. For example, if the CSV file contains data about customers, the table could have columns for customer ID, customer name, and customer address. To create a table, you can use the following SQL statement: ``` CREATE TABLE customer ( customer_id INT NOT NULL, customer_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, customer_address VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL ); ```

Importing the CSV File

Once the table has been created, you can import the data from the CSV file using the COPY command. The COPY command can be used to import data from a variety of sources, including CSV files, text files, and other databases. The syntax of the COPY command is as follows: ``` COPY table_name FROM 'filename' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER; ``` In the above example, the COPY command is used to import data from the file customer.csv into the table `customer`. The DELIMITER ',' option specifies that the data in the CSV file is delimited by commas. The CSV HEADER option specifies that the first row of the CSV file contains column headers.


Importing data from a CSV file into PostgreSQL is a relatively simple process that can be accomplished using the COPY command. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily import data into your PostgreSQL database and begin using it for your applications.
