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Burrower Locations Horizon Forbidden West


New Machine Enemy Introduced in "Horizon Forbidden West"

The Burrower: A Formidable Recon Foe

Components and Map Locations

[Location] - A new type of machine enemy, known as the Burrower, has been introduced in "Horizon Forbidden West." These common recon machines possess unique abilities, including emitting high-pitched sounds to alert allies and stun enemies, as well as the capability to burrow underground and resurface in unexpected locations.

Burrowers come in various variants, each with distinct characteristics, such as Plasma Shock, Frost, Fire, Acid Purgewater, and Apex. Their vulnerabilities and resistance to different types of weapons vary depending on the variant, adding a strategic element to encounters with these formidable foes.

For those seeking to acquire Burrower components, the map locations of these machines have been documented. This information enables players to locate and engage Burrowers strategically, maximizing their chances of successfully harvesting valuable resources.

