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Manni A Popular Icelandic Trick Taking Game

Manni: A Popular Icelandic Trick Taking Game


Manni is a popular Icelandic trick taking game similar to Whist played with three players. The word Manni is usually translated as Chap and refers to the.


Manni is played with a standard 32-card deck. The players are dealt 10 cards each, and the remaining two cards are placed face down in the middle of the table. The player to the left of the dealer leads with any card. The other players must follow suit if they can. If they cannot, they may trump the card with a higher card of the same suit or play any other card. The player who wins the trick leads the next card.


The game is played to 100 points. Players score points by taking tricks. The player who takes the most tricks in a round scores 10 points. If a player takes all 10 tricks, they score 20 points. The first player to reach 100 points wins the game.


There are many variations of Manni. Some common variations include:

  • Two-handed Manni: This variation is played with two players. Each player is dealt 13 cards, and the remaining six cards are placed face down in the middle of the table.
  • Four-handed Manni: This variation is played with four players. Each player is dealt 8 cards, and the remaining eight cards are placed face down in the middle of the table.
  • Progressive Manni: This variation is played with a progressive number of players. The game starts with two players, and a new player is added every round. The game ends when there are six players.
